

  • Speaking Know How
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Speaking Know How

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Speaking Know How
Prepositions you must know! (Beside & Since/for)


Although prepositions are seemingly small words, they are important words, and correct use is a test of your
ability to use this language. This article will cover the correct use of prepositions that are usually problems.

Beside and besides

Learners are often confused about these two words. Beside means ‘next to something’ while besides means ‘in
addition to’.

E.g. The rock was beside the house. (= next to the house)
E.g. She stood beside me. (= near me)
E.g. He plays hockey besides (in addition to) football and soccer.

Since and for

These are two words that also are often confused by English learners. Since refers to the beginning of an action.
It means ‘from a specific point in time’ and it should be used with the present perfect tense of the verb.

E.g. It has been constantly raining since last Wednesday.

For is used to talk about a duration of time. It refers to a length of time.

E.g. I have been walking for 3 hours.

Usually, most learners mistakenly use since when talking about a period of time. You shouldn’t say ‘He has been
missing since two days’ or ‘I have been working since two hours.’

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